
#RestCoast_Pilots: Exploring the Rhone Delta

9 January 2024

Previously being a site for industrial salt production, the French Rhone Delta now strives to reduce the environmental degradation and biodiversity loss, improve socio-economic development and reduce natural hazards.  

Through REST-COAST, the local leaders at the Rhone Delta pilot site are actively addressing the "societal challenges" identified by IUCN in 2020. The project aims to restore 300 hectares of coastal lagoons and 60 hectares of Mediterranean halophilous scrubs and Salicornia, along with other annuals colonising restored mud and sand. Additionally, by not maintaining the historic seadikes protection and reinstating natural coastal dynamics, the project anticipates the emergence of new beach areas in the southern part of the site through overwash processes.

Further information on Rhone Delta can be found in the pilot's factsheet.