The Maritime Engineering Laboratory (LIM) is a leading public research centre of the Catalonia University of Technology UPC-BarcelonaTech (UPC). It is located within the Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering in Barcelona. LIM/UPC is made up of a team of highly qualified professional staff.
LIM/UPC is the Coordinator institution within REST-COAST and undertakes basic and applied research projects in coastal and estuarine hydro-morpho-eco-dynamics, maritime environment and climate, oceanographic physics and engineering, harbour and coastal engineering and integrated coastal zone management. The emphasis is on sustainable interventions and nature-based solutions providing acceptable hazard and vulnerability levels.
The INRAE Microbial Ecology centre of Lyon-Villeurbanne (LEM) is one of the largest Microbial Ecology laboratories in France. LEM staff is working at the crossroad of major research fields: ecology, microbiology, biodiversity and ecosystem functioning and services, to study the effects of anthropic activities, including ecosystem restoration actions, on soil and sediment biodiversity, and the influence of soil/sediment biodiversity on ecosystem functioning and services.
Deltares is a leading international research institute for applied geophysical, ecological and policy-related research and development applied to delta areas based in the Netherlands. The primary aim of Deltares is bringing together science and application by translating scientific knowledge into innovative solutions.
Deltares has expert knowledge of the entire effect chain from physical conditions to ecosystem functioning including the fields of hydrodynamics, hydro-ecological modelling, water quality, microbiology and aquatic eco(toxico)logy.
The Global Climate Forum (GCF) is a not-for-profit research institute that performs stakeholder-based research on climate change and related global challenges. GCF is an association of institutes, companies, NGOs and individual researchers working in the network of governments, corporations and social movements that has formed around the issue of climate change.
GCF is world leading on global-scale coastal impact and adaptation modelling and coordinates the development of the DIVA modelling framework, a modular modelling system for assessing coastal impacts and adaptation.
EURECAT is currently the leading Technology Institute in Catalonia, and the second largest private research organisation in Southern Europe. Eurecat is involved in more than 200 Research and Development projects and has a customer portfolio of over 1.600 business clients.
Technology transfer is also an essential activity in Eurecat, with 36 international patents and 7 technology based companies (six in Spain and one in Latin America) started-up from the centre. Eurecat R&D, innovation and training activities span from Sustainability, Industrial Technologies to Digital Technologies and Biotech.
The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) is a membership Union uniquely composed of both government and civil society organisations. It provides public, private and non-governmental organisations with the knowledge and tools that enable human progress, economic development and nature conservation to take place together.
Created in 1948, IUCN has evolved into the world’s largest and most diverse environmental network. IUCN is the coordinator of the International Blue Carbon Initiative together with Conservation International and UNESCO.
Pensoft Publishers is an SME specialising in academic, open access book and journal publishing, software development and web design, project dissemination and science communication. The company’s project department is a motivated team of active scientists, project managers and science communicators offering services including consultancy and development of communication strategies, plans for dissemination and exploitation and data management plans.
Albirem Sustainability, S.L. is a strategic consulting start-up company (SME) established in Barcelona, Spain. Its mission is to strategically promote sustainability adoption and also to generate a positive social and environmental impact.
Thus, its approach is oriented to shared value creation and it balances purpose and profit. It applies its holistic and interdisciplinary vision by combining other sectors skills (business, social responsibility, etc.) with scientific methods.
The Polytechnic University of Madrid was founded in 1971 after the merging of the Technical Schools of Engineering and Architecture that date back to the 18th Century. It is currently the largest Spanish technological university specialised in all engineering fields and architecture.
UPM is highly involved in European funded projects and is a member of 3 of the 5 European Institutes of Technology approved Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs).
CIIRC is a public consortium integrated by the Generalitat de Catalunya (Regional Government of Catalunya) and the Catalonia University of Technology (BarcelonaTech - UPC). It has links with a wide set of Departments dealing with coastal and river issues at the Municipal, Regional and National Government level, having also long standing relations with other countries and international conservation groups.
CIIRC’s main goals are to initiate and coordinate the execution of studies related to the coastal system and coastal resources, developing and disseminating support tools.
HEREON is one of the 19 members of the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres, Germany’s largest science organisation. HEREON engages in projects to support research and innovation at national and European levels. Three Hereon institutes contribute to the REST-COAST project, the Institute of Coastal Systems - Analysis and Modelling, the Institute of Biogeochemistry in Coastal Seas and the Institute of Coastal Ocean Dynamics.
Research within these institutes is focused on coastal processes including interaction between land, sea and human beings. The common aim is the assessment of current and future changes in coastal areas, coastal ecosystem services, the creation of a scientific basis for a sustainable and forward-looking coastal management and the development and maintenance of operational and climate services.
CMCC is a non-profit research institution with a mission to investigate and model the climate system and its interactions with society to provide reliable, rigorous, and timely scientific results, which will in turn stimulate sustainable growth, protect the environment, and develop science driven adaptation and mitigation policies in a changing climate.
CMCC collaborates with experienced scientists, economists, and technicians, which work together in order to provide full analyses of climate impacts on various systems such as agriculture, ecosystems, coasts, water resources, health, and economics. CMCC also supports policymakers in setting and assessing costs, mitigation, and adaptation policies. CMCC benefits from the extensive applied research experience of its members and institutional partners.
CORILA is a non-profit association of public interest between the University Ca’ Foscari of Venice, University of Padua, University IUAV of Venice, National Research Council of Italy (CNR) and National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics (OGS). Its activities are carried out in close collaboration with national, regional and local administrations and agencies.
CORILA has a wide experience in developing and managing interdisciplinary national and European projects, using the vast competences of its associated bodies, selected case by case with variable geometry. Climate change effects, mitigation and adaptation measures as well as cultural heritage safeguarding are the core of CORILA science activities, since the organisation’s birth.
GENCAT or else the Government of Catalonia will collaborate with REST-COAST in collecting multi-source data needed for the Spanish Pilot. GENCAT will focus on the sediment dam bypass proposed for the Ebro delta, aiming to properly upscale from previous experiences and analysing the effects over the downstream sediment transport patterns.
As a public regional Government, GENCAT will work together with other partners and stakeholders in exchanging information about the Spanish Pilot and other related Green Deal Projects and the build up necessary work on the CORE-PLATS.
The Directorate General for the Coast and the Sea (DGCM) of the Spanish Ministry for the Ecological Transition (MITECO) and Demographic Challenge, is the authority responsible for coastal protection management in Spain. The DGCM will participate throughout the project mainly by executing the hands-on restoration projections within the Coasts plan in collaboration with LIM/UPC and EURECAT.
The main objective of the group will be to execute different restoration activities already within the Ebro Delta study site. The DGCM will also collaborate on WP6 and 7 by providing several exclusive dissemination pathways and cooperating with the Restoration Platform and General Assembly.
The NLWKN -Forschungsstelle Küste is an interdisciplinary state owned research institution and part of the Lower Saxony water resource management administration. It is organised as a scientific unit of four departments (coastal morphology, coastal engineering, field survey, and storm surge warning service) within the Lower Saxony Water Management, Coastal Defense and Nature Conservation Agency (NLWKN).
The institution develops central services for relevant new tasks of the lower Saxony environmental administration e.g. model based fine sediment distribution and transportation paths, microplastic distribution models for the whole lower Saxony coast as well as models of nutrient and phytoplankton dynamics. All model developments are accompanied by modern and innovative field measurement techniques with a focus on careful model validation.
The Institute of Hydro-Engineering of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IBW PAN) was established in 1953 as successor of the Institute of Hydraulics of Gdansk University of Technology. The research works are concentrated and carried out within the following earth/water-related sciences: oceanology, hydrology, water resources management and geology.
The Institute has participated in more than 10 EU projects so far, it is also involved in a number of commercial domestic projects, related to harbour development., management of large estuaries and implementation of national, regional and local coastal zone management policies, incorporating the effects of climate change and efforts related to biodiversity management and restoration.
The Institute of Oceanology (IO-BAS) is a research entity under the auspices of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences with a mission to conduct advanced research in the field of marine physics, chemistry, geology, archaeology, biology, ecology, coastal dynamics of the Black Sea basin. IO-BAS participates in the elaboration of mitigation strategies with respect to regional climate change and coastal risks.
It is responsible for interdisciplinary monitoring of the Bulgarian Black Sea area and implementation of the EU environmental policy (WFD, MSFD). The department team studies the Black Sea biodiversity at a population-genetic, species, habitat and ecosystem level, including functional and trophic interactions between organisms and elaborates scientific approaches to the conservation and restoration of the biological diversity.
Province of Groningen is a leading regional authority for restoration projects in the Eems -Dollard area and the Wadden Sea. It is responsible for many aspects of natural, spatial and socio-economic development of the area.
Within REST-COAST it will initiate and co-host the Living Lab of the Wadden Sea Pilot and will propose and participate in hands-on restoration projects in WP1, involving local stakeholders according to project needs. The province will also be active in disseminating of the project results in the region, specially involving schools and high schools of the Province, and hosting/fostering a CORE-PLATS platform.
Tour du Valat (TDV) is a private research organisation located within the Camargue Unesco Man and Biosphere Reserve (Rhône delta). Created in 1954, Tour du Valat has set itself the mission to halt and reverse the destruction and degradation of Mediterranean wetlands and their natural resources, and promote their wise use.
Its activities are largely oriented towards multidisciplinary research, co-constructed with or transferred to stakeholders and aimed at preserving the biodiversity, functions and services provided by coastal wetlands in a context of global changes.
Disciplines such as estuarine hydrodynamics, remote sensing, plant and animal (especially birds) ecology, sociology, health ecology, are combined into four main approaches that consist of modelling, restoration and management of ecosystems and animal populations, as well as transfer, i.e. developing indicators and tools to influence political decisions and increase the awareness of the lay public.
Egis Group is responding to global environmental degradation and to climate emergency by supporting the development of more balanced, sustainable and resilient environments. Egis Ports is part of a Business Unit, whose activities include Major Structures, Water, Environment and Energy, creating transversally shared knowledge and support between the activities.
Egis will contribute to the risk assessment and quantification of co-benefits of large-scale ecosystem restoration, in relation to the hands-on-restoration actions carried out at the Arcachon lagoon Pilot site by Seaboost.
At this specific Pilot site, Egis Structures & Environment will perform a diagnostic analysis of the carbon sequestration potential, and develop a dashboard for analysis and visualisation of KPIs on BDV and ESS, that will be extended to a more generic application for various typologies of sites.
The University of Catania plays a key role in the Mediterranean area, stimulating projects of cooperation and dialogue between cultures and promoting international networks among universities. UC is responsible for the Sicily Lagoon and will work on hands-on restoration within this lagoon and will also work to identify enablers and barriers of ESS and BDV benefits within the lagoon.
UC will further promote measures to solve the present conflict between BDV conservation, risk reduction, intensive farming, recreational/touristic use of coastal lagoons and beaches. UC will develop a monitoring system and cascade-modelling to obtain multi-hazard predictions and projections in a changing climate, to advance present EWS at the site, developed using complimentary funding. UC will also investigate the structure and functionality of restoration of coastal marsh habitats to develop adaptation pathways for management of NBS.
The Israel Nature and Parks Authority (INPA) works to preserve all protected species and protected areas (Nature Reserves and National Parks) as well as national heritage sites in Israel. INPA preserves nature, the landscapes and the heritage throughout Israel for the benefit of all inhabitants, while protecting the balance between economic, social, cultural and environmental needs.
INPA also works to protect treasures of heritage and culture in national parks and nature reserves, while developing these sites, adding interpretive elements and upgrading visitor accessibility.
The University of East Anglia (UEA) prides itself on its interdisciplinary ethos and its ability to shape new disciplines that respond to the grand challenges facing the world. It has led the way in shaping disciplines such as environmental sciences, international development studies and creative writing.
Building on the existing global DIVA model of wetland change and loss, UEA will develop a method to assess the protective function of salt marshes and mangroves at broad scales which will allow a better consideration of their value as coastal defense and nature-based adaptation.
The University of Lincoln (UoL) is uniquely focused around the theme of the safety and health of the Inhabited Earth (SHIE) in order to promote the creation of healthy and safe environments in the places that we live.
To facilitate interdisciplinary SHIE research and collectively address the major global environmental and societal challenges, UoL has established a multi-expertise Research Centre, the Lincoln Centre for Water and Planetary Health (LCWPH), which focuses on solving the most pressing environmental and societal issues emerging from the world’s largest rivers and adjacent coastal zones.
The network of Marine Protected Areas (MPA) managers in the Mediterranean, MedPAN, promotes MPA management effectiveness and healthy marine ecosystems in the Mediterranean through information, experience sharing and MPA financial support and as the voice of MPA managers to support policies and engage with other stakeholders.
The mission of MedPAN is to actively contribute to the achievement of a representative, connected, integrated and effectively managed system of Mediterranean MPAs, through a strong and active networking of MPA managers and other actors that increases knowledge and capacities of MPAs while improving awareness, MPA policy and funding.
BSEC is the oldest (established in 1992) and most representative regional organisation promoting economic cooperation in the wider Black Sea area. Aiming at fostering interaction and harmony among its members, encouraging friendly and good-neighbourly relations in the Black Sea region, today BSEC serves as a trusted vehicle for cooperation in a wide range of areas.
Such cooperation are seen in the areas of environmental protection, agriculture, culture, tourism, science and technology, education, energy, SMEs, emergency assistance, transport and etc., for its 13 Member States.
Since 1954 the Spanish Ornithological Society (SEO / BirdLife) has been working for the conservation of birds and their habitats. It is the first environmental NGO in Spain and is currently the benchmark state entity in its field.
In addition to working in collaboration with representatives of BirdLife International, it does so in third countries where it develops conservation projects, local training and support for local entities. The nature of the organisation and its experience have made it one of the organisations, together with the other BirdLife International partners, with the greatest experience in rural development and conservation of sensitive areas, as well as mitigating impacts in rural areas.
Umberto PERNICE is an Independent Consultant specialised in collaborative innovation management which successfully applies for developing and implementing international Research & Innovation projects.
Based in Palermo (Italy), as a freelancer, PCIM has directly advised companies, research institutes, national and local authorities in Europe and worldwide on developing cross-organization collaborative projects to deliver innovative solutions toward a more sustainable and safer environment and resilient society.
PCIM has long standing experience with academics and business actors to apply economic models for assessing the socio-economic benefits provided by geospatial products and services.
MedWet represents a unique platform in the Mediterranean for sharing information and technical capacities between institutions and civil society on wetlands management and conservation. The main objectives of MedWet in REST-COAST will be bringing together governments and key nongovernmental organisations in the region.
Additionally, MedWet will be raising countries' awareness on the need to share conservation objectives and on implementing the Wetland Contract as a replicable management tool). MedWet was established to support countries in the Mediterranean region in their implementation of the conservation and wise use of wetlands within the framework of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands.
The Mediterranean Sea and Coast Foundation (MEDSEA) is an Italian non-profit organisation established in 2015 in the city of Cagliari.
The Foundation aims at conserving and promoting the sustainable development of the Mediterranean sea and its marine resources, promoting actions and projects to reduce the impacts that cause the loss of natural and cultural heritage, through the principles of the Ecosystem Based Approach and Integrated Coastal Zone Management of the Barcelona Convention and, at the same time, passionately disseminating the knowledge of this heritage.
WMR is a non-profit research institute of Wageningen Research Foundation, part of Wageningen University & Research. WMR is the Dutch institute for applied marine ecological research.
With knowledge, independent scientific research and advice, WMR makes an essential contribution to a more sustainable, careful management, use and protection of natural resources in sea, estuarine and coastal areas.
The most important quality of Wageningen Marine Research is its expertise in the knowledge on functioning of marine ecosystems. Wageningen Marine Research is expert in evaluating human impact on these ecosystems and in identifying and advising on sustainable use of the ecosystem.
Wageningen University (WU), part of Wageningen University & Research (WUR), is the only university in the Netherlands that specifically focuses on the theme ‘healthy food and living environment’. It does so by working closely together with governments and the business community. Wageningen University's researchers are active around the globe, and the university hosts students from over 100 countries.
The Global Center on Adaptation (GCA) is an international organisation working as a solutions broker to accelerate actions for scaling adaptation, from international to local scales and in partnership with the public and private sector, for a climate resilient future. The GCA is establishing a worldwide network of regional offices in Africa, Asia and the Americas, starting with its regional hubs for climate adaptation in Beijing, Dhaka and Abidjan.
Тhe School of Sustainability at the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya is the first of its kind in Israel and is based on the top U.S. academic programs in the field, with emphasis given to providing and developing tools for sustainability and environmental real problem solving.
Sustainability refers to the balancing of economic, social, and ecological/ environmental aspects of development. It concerns development that attends to the needs of present generations without compromising the ability of our planet’s natural systems to support the needs of future generations.
EcoShape is a foundation under Dutch law, that manages the public private innovation programme Building with Nature. Knowledge is developed via pilot projects, in which Building with Nature (Nature Based Solutions) are realised and monitored.
EcoShape is specifically working on various pilot projects and research opportunities in the Eems-Dollard area, for example the ongoing Pilot Kleirijperij or the recently completed Marconi Salt March development project. In these pilots EcoShape looks at opportunities to beneficially (re-)use sediments for climate adaptation and mitigation purposes, for example as a building material for dike reinforcement, to counteract subsidence or to sequester carbon.
The German Marine Research Consortium (KDM) is a non-profit association made up of twenty institutions, universities and federal agencies of Germany in the field of marine and polar sciences as well as of coastal research.
With approximately 2,200 scientists of basic and applied marine research, KDM provides comprehensive expertise to meet global challenges having to do with the sea and our environment.
KDM works in a decentralised manner, meaning that the leading institute(s) in a given field is mandated by KDM to take on a coordinating role for the broader community under the umbrella of KDM.
Agma is a unique knowledge hub that integrates information and processes in Israel's stream restoration, conservation, and runoff management fields. Established in collaboration with several governmental ministries, the Drainage and Rivers Authorities, the Nature and Parks Authority, and philanthropic organizations, Agma serves as a bridge between policymakers, researchers, and field practitioners.
Agma's primary goal is to implement the Integrated Basin Management Approach in basins and streams, ensuring management at all levels that integrates ecological, social, and economic aspects. It develops and disseminates practical tools and methods, supports implementation and learning processes, and provides professional consultation for projects related to stream restoration and runoff management.
With extensive experience and the ability to drive multi-sector partnerships, Agma serves as a strategic partner for innovative projects in stream restoration and acts as a platform for disseminating new knowledge to the professional community in Israel. Additionally, Agma initiates and organizes dozens of learning events annually, including professional courses, tours, webinars, workshops, and seminars, reaching thousands of participants. The organization operates several websites, including a knowledge repository containing numerous case studies in stream restoration, runoff management, and flood risk management.