This site comprises of 300,000 ha with intertidal seagrass and the German Jade, Weser, Elbe Ems-Dollard estuaries with 23,800 ha of saltmarshes and polders.
Triple saltmarsh and summer polder area in natural state.
West Mediterranean, Core Pilot
This pilot site takes over 32.000 ha, 250 ha of which is consisted of wetlands, beaches and dunes.
Restore coastal and river-to-coast connectivity, with emphasis of wetlands, beaches, dunes and seagrass meadows in the Ebro Delta, with areas of about 2000 ha.
The total area of the site covers 55.000 ha, of which 6.000 ha of seagrass, about 6.800 ha of natural saltmarshes and mudflats and 1.600 ha of morphological structures (i.e. artificial saltmarshes and mudflats).
Restoration intervention on artificial saltmarshes already existing aimed at accelerating the naturalisation processes for increasing priority habitats and biodiversity.
This pilot features favourable habitats for endangered birds created by an artificial island (180 ha) and designated as a Natura 2000 site.
Add 3 new islands to the protected area.
This site consists of 226,35 ha, of which 58 ha are of seagrass meadows.
Restore 17 ha of seagrasses plus more than 5 ha of Habitat 1170 Reefs with a community of Ericaria sp. (currently lost).
This site presents 6527 ha, of which 1200 ha is covered by coastal wetlands (key habitats for migratory birds and fish), with 550 ha of coastal lagoons and 290 ha of Mediterranean halophytic scrub/Salicornia sp. and other annual plants colonising restored mud/sand.
Additional 300 ha of coastal lagoons, and 60 ha of Mediterranean halophilous scrubs/Salicornia and other annuals colonising restored mud and sand areas, plus the creation of new beach areas (short term). Restore as many as possible areas of the 4600 ha buffer zone (long term).
This site covers a total area of 3559 ha, of which 2250 ha consist of salt marshes coastal fringe, with 250 ha already restored.
Restoration of additional 320 ha.
This site covers 17.400 ha, where a part of this area is covered by Zostera sp. beds (a seagrass species that has lost ≈ 50% cover in the last 30 years).
Replication over Arcachon Bay (7000 ha) and other sites.
This site includes coastal marshland and islands for nesting birds.
Restoration of 32 ha.